NEVER VOTE TORY! An acrostic, with 13 out of hundreds of
reasons why people should never vote Tory again.
National Health Service,
constantly being denigrated and criticised by right-wing press and government, with many of its
components being sold off to private concerns, is not safe. Full privatisation
is inevitable under a Tory government.
Education of 93% of the
country`s children, in the state sector, under constant attack and interference
from the education secretary, whose academisation programme is a prelude to the
total dismemberment of state schools. Gove succeeded in uniting teacher
unions in opposition to all policies. Good teachers are leaving the profession
in droves.
Voting changes, such as reducing
the voting age, or changing venues of polling stations, all refused by Tories;
they do not want present system modified in any way, as they know their chances
of election success depend on the older voters.
Ethics before profits! As long
as banks mouth such platitudes, Tories will support them, and allow their scams
and fraudulent activities to continue, with non-deterrent fines and
Rents in the private sector
allowed by Tory-dominated coalition to soar exponentially, making saving for
home ownership impossible. Many of the rented properties are not even checked
for safety. Tax avoidance by private landlords is rife, with totally ineffective
punishments for the guilty exploiters; Rachmanism has returned.
Vindictiveness is a Tory trait;
notice how the weakest and most vulnerable were the ones suffering most from the
austerity measures like the Bedroom Tax. The tax increase favoured by the Tories
is always on the unfair tax, the indirect one; rather than increase income tax
on the rich, they reduced it and increased VAT!
Osborne`s austerity policies are
based on promise to wipe out deficit by 2015. He has not even halved it, and it
will still be around £80bn after the election. Real reason is ideological desire
to shrink the state, with admitted aim to return to levels last seen in 1948.
The chancellor frequently flies to Brussels to defend right of banks to pay
bonuses, and to attack the idea of a financial transaction
Taxation policies of the Tories
reveal their underlying hypocrisy. Reduction of the top rate tax was achieved at
the same time as widespread cuts being made, with the Laffer curve their excuse.
Piketty and other economists have shown this as nonsense. The rich have
increased their wealth massively with the help of a cabinet dominated by
Evasion and avoidance of tax are
so widespread a tax gap of at least £35bn, possibly even double this, has been
created, with trillions squirrelled away by the rich in British-controlled tax
havens. Multi-nationals, celebrities and sports stars are allowed to get away
with denying the Treasury billions, whilst HMRC sacks thousands of tax
inspectors. Tax avoiders even get to keep their honours!
Trade Unions frighten the
Tories, so they are ridiculed as Labour`s paymasters, so that cowardly
opposition leaders distance themselves from industrial action, no matter how
justifiable. Inequality rockets as the power of unions is weakened and influence
on pay declines.
Obfuscation is a key word in
understanding Toryism; they cannot admit the real intention or effect of their
policies, so they are hidden and made difficult to interpret. They claim
unemployment falls because their policies create jobs, when thousands come off
the unemployment rolls because their desperation leads them to self-employment,
or because their jobseekers` allowance has been sanctioned. Gove`s use of
unreliable data to justify his school reforms is becoming
Railways or any public utility
will never be re-nationalised by the Tories, even though public opinion is
almost 80% in favour; the example of the state-owned East Coast line, with its
lower fares, higher levels of customer satisfaction, and millions of pounds in
profits going to the Treasury is ignored
by the Tories whose preference for privatisation leads to the exact
Young people in general are
always given shabby treatment by Tories who know very few will vote, even fewer
will vote for them, and their policies reflect this. No attempt has been made to
increase social mobility, end the dominance of private education and Oxbridge,
or prevent the exploitation of students
and young people in general by profiteering landlords. Student fees and
the ending of the Education Maintenance Allowance, allied to Gove`s assessment
changes, all speak for themselves!
The message
is very clear, which ever way it is read!