With only weeks to the election, voters should be clear on at least one
issue: this Tory-dominated coalition has never been serious about dealing with
what Margaret Hodge has frequently called the 'Tax avoidance industry'.
Of course, there has been an abundance of the usual heart-rending
rhetoric from the Tories, Cameron and Osborne in particular; the public has been
inundated with descriptions of how vile the practice is, with Osborne`s "morally repugnant" taking some beating. Then there`s the tax avoiding companies, with the
focus presumably on Starbucks, being told by Cameroñ that it`s time to 'Smell
the coffee'! Budget after budget has introduced new coalition measures to reduce
the huge total of
£35 billion being deprived of the Treasury each year by tax avoidance, with
the latest, the so-called 'Google tax' estimated to raise a measly £570million
by 2019!
Clearly, when it comes to tax avoidance, it`s just another example of the
Tories taking us for mugs. Should the election set the them up for another five
years of government, there is absolutely no reason to expect anything other
than a bumper time for the avoiders, be they rich individuals, profit-hiding
companies, or the accounting firms making billions out of selling avoidance
However, a new government could easily take three simple steps to make
the problem both more manaģeable and mòre tŕansparent.
A new goveŕnment depàrtment focussed entirely on tax matters, with a
minister reporting back to the Commons and the Cabinet on a weekly basis, would
at least indicate serious intent. A popular choice for minister would obviously
be Hodge, whilst a further sensible appointment would be the tax expert, Richard
Murphy, in an advisory capacity.
This Ministry of Tax Affairs would not only be on top of all Treasury
figures realating to tax, it would have responsibility for all actions taken by
HMRC, the agency in charge of tax collecting. Any of the `sweetheart deals`
whereby companies and individuals reach agreement on a payment of a lump sum,
rather than pay the full amount avoided over years, would first have to be
agreed by the Minister, with all the necessary disclosure and publicity.
Similarly, all companies avoiding tax would gain due publicity in parliamentary
discussion, and this could act as some further deterrent. The more the public is
made aware of the scale of the companies` avoidance, the more likely they are to
take avoidance measures of their own, such as avoiding making purchases from
The Ministry could also develop further Murphy`s idea of a Fair Tax
Award, for companies which regularly pay the correct amount of corporate tàx,
which they can use for self-promotion.
A third step certainly never reaches the realms of rocket-science, but it
seems, nevertheless, to have been too difficult for the coalition to comprehend:
the majority of the electorate do not agree with tax avoidance, knowing the
contribution tax plays to a civilised society, so they would certainly support a
government which refused to award any contracts to corporations known for their
tax avoidance practices. Companies refusing to pay a living wage to all
employees should suffer the same fate!
Three simple steps which could transform the way tax is not only
collected but perceived by the public; it is not a matter for accounting firms
to decide how much revenue is collected by the Treasury, and the sooner
governments take full responsibility, the better.