When the "Conservative party" is
abbreviated, usually due to convenience or laziness, to the "Cons party", notice
is rarely taken of how much more appropriate the reduced version is. The truth
is that the Tories are past-masters in convincing the country of so-called
"facts" which have absolutely no evidence to substantiate them whatsoever. We
only have to recall this year`s election, and how much influence the nonsense
about Labour`s mis-spending causing the economic crash had on the electorate, to
appreciate this. Buoyed by this success, they are currently persuading the
UK to accept something in the range
of a dozen untruths. We are being "conned" by a party very suitably
1. How can austerity be so vital to
the country`s future, when the chancellor sees fit to throw away
overnight £1.1bn in an RBS sale? Where have imposed austerity measures resulted
in economic growth? Greece?? Tories apparently "care"
about the next generation`s debt, but clearly intend to raise tuition fees
2. Tories are very keen for tax
avoiding companies to "smell the coffee", and to reduce the tax gap of at least
£50bn a year. At least, this is what we are told, but they have cut thousands of
jobs at HMRC, whilst their so-called "Google tax" is only intended to raise
£600m, and not until 2019!
3. A tax rate of 50% on high-earners
is self-defeating, we are again informed by the Tories, because it raises less
income for the government, in line with the "Laffer curve". This, of course, is
nonsense; the curve is an invention of a Reagan advisor to justify the
Republican government`s lowering of taxes for its rich supporters. Its
de-bunking by modern economists has coincided with the suggestion by Piketty
that the top rate should be around 80%.
4. Within weeks of becoming
Education Secretary, Gove was mis-using data to warrant his assessment and
examination reforms, and the Tories are still mis-informing us about state
education. All schools must academise if they fail to get 60% pupils with 5 A*-C
grades, brainwashing us with the inaccurate notions that academies provide
better education, and that there are no excellent state schools and hard-working
teachers in poorer areas with results nearer 40%. Comparing test results using
the Pisa system gives a hugely misleading impression, when other countries
exclude from the testing "certain types of children to boost their scores", as
reported in the Guardian last year.
5. Tories even have the nerve to
suggest they are the party of "the working people", yet their claim to make
people better off by raising the living wage does nothing of the sort, when they
reduce tax credits, and refuse to regulate rent-raising landlords.
6. The election result clearly took
the Tories by surprise, as now they are lumbered with Osborne`s electioneering
promises relating to the "Northern Powerhouse". Most ludicrous of all is the
idea of HS3, when electrification of the Manchester-York line, promised back in
2011, has not even been started yet, whilst the HS2 line will only create more
dormitory towns for London employees. Giving powers to elected
mayors to control hugely reduced government grants will do nothing to
boost local economies.
7. As it suddenly sees itself as the
"compassionate" party of working people, the Conservatives cannot possibly be
the party in hoc to the bankers and the City. As if! When HSBC threatened to
move its headquarters out of the country because it could not pay large
dividends to its shareholders due to that nasty bank levy (nothing to do with
fines for money-laundering drug money or interest-fixing or mis-selling?), what
did Osborne do? The bank levy was duly reduced, as requested. HSBC was saved
£700m a year, with similar savings made by Standard Chartered, another
institution threatening to move.
8. Another "con" favoured by the
Tory propaganda machine is that private ownership beats public every time, but
again, with absolutely no supporting evidence. Are we really meant to believe
that when completely privatised, Lloyds and RBS will change their business
cultures, caring for customers and giving them satisfaction will become more
important than profit? There will be no more mis-selling or corruption of any
kind, no more obscene bonuses? Will privatisation even lead to new CEOs being
appointed? Similarly, would programme quality at the BBC or Channel 4 be
improved by their sale? Didn`t the East Coast railway prove state ownership
works, whilst private companies benefit from £93bn a year in "corporate
9. Tories support and, indeed,
revere, that "British value", democracy, but whilst they remain very content to
maintain our electoral system which provided them with a majority government
from just 37% of the vote, they want to change union voting procedures for
industrial action. They clearly, on the other hand, do not want to increase the
turn-out at elections; if they did, they would insist polling-booths moved into
town centres, supermarket car-parks, and university campuses, and even
experiment with electronic voting.
10. Tories are desperately worried
about the country`s low productivity. Really? They do nothing about the
short-termism of CEOs and business managers, whose renumeration depends on
company profits, and who consequently prefer not to invest in new plant,
machinery and technology, or even in training staff with the necessary
specialist skills. As a result, pay for bosses of the FTSE100 companies is
around 150 times their average worker`s pay!
11.So-called "compassionate" Tories
apparently care hugely about the Mediterranean and Calais migrant problems,
which explain why they refer to them as "swarms" and "marauding millions", why
fences and dogs are their only solution, and why HMS Enterprise has failed to
save any lives in the Mediterranean in over a month`s "search and rescue"
operation. Shouldn`t our "world leader" Cameron be insisting on an EU summit to
reach a fair solution?There are so many examples, from "bedroom tax" to
withdrawing the Education Maintenance Grant and the grant for the poorest
students, which prove that compassion is yet another myth the Cons. party expect
us to accept. Does anyone really believe the NHS is safe in Tory
12. The Tories also love to help
sustain the Blairite propaganda that a left-wing party can never win an election
in this country; doesn`t a Blairite-led party offer the least in the way of
opposition, accepting much of the Conservative mythology outlined above. Its a
party with left-wing proposals which the Tories fear, challenging
their ideological nonsense about austerity, privatisation and
How the current Labour party
allows these "Con-tricks" to exist without opposing them is usually explained by
the leadership contest taking precedence and centre stage, but without every
Labour MP taking every opportunity to tackle these Tory myths head-on, there is
a real danger that too many of the electorate will swallow them!