Total annihilation of Isis troops in the Middle East might well be a solution, but only a short-term one, likely to spawn more hatred of western values; an ideology, no matter how barbarous, cannot be bombed out of existence. But its bloodthirsty and psychopathic aspects need to be exposed as essentially non-Islamic for the ideology`s attraction to decline, and the best way history has shown to achieve this is by putting it on public trial, with worldwide publicity, Nuremburg style. For this to happen, Mr Rawnsley, some arrests have to be made!
A blog on politics and education, supporting socialist ideals and equality of opportunity. Against obscene wealth and inequality.
Sunday, 29 November 2015
Corbyn right on Syria
Andrew Rawnsley`s default mode is to criticise Corbyn at every opportunity, even to the extent of attempting humour at his expense, with the suggestion that the Labour leader "could maybe parachute in and make a citizen`s arrest" of any lurking "murderous jihadi" (David Cameron will most likely get agreement on taking the fight to Isis,22/11/15). No doubt, many, equally biased, neo-Blairites will have sniggered, but to ridicule Corbyn`s reluctance to accept a "shoot-to-kill" at all costs policy displays as much judgement as that displayed by the Labour MPs voting with the Tories merely to embarrass their own leader.
Saturday, 28 November 2015
Review letter on empire
How sad, and sadly typical of this country, that
when advice is needed to frame the schools` history syllabus, the person chosen
is Niall Ferguson, a "neocon court historian", rather than an expert analyst of
primary evidence, like William Dalrymple, who wants the true version of the
subject to be taught (Facing up to the past,21/11/15). Until the UK faces up
to historical facts, like the "racially inspired genocides" committed in its
name in the years of empire, how can it hope to remove bigotry and prejudice
from society? The Tate`s exhibition "exploring its artistic legacy" is, at
least, a start, but a less duplicitous government would ensure it toured the
Friday, 27 November 2015
Priorities of Labour MPs
George Eaton contends that Labour MPs acknowledge many of Corbyn`s "individual
policies are popular" but fear the "collective offer is no longer credible", so
why doesn`t he criticise them for their obvious cowardice (Politics,20
November)? Not only is their support for the "popular" proposals, like
nationalisation of railways, at best half-hearted, and more often
minimalist, their refusal to accept that the so-called less "credible" policies
actually could become electorally acceptable, given a fair hearing and public
debate, smacks of gutlessness and selfish careerism. How can they possibly think
that getting rid of Corbyn, and replacing him with a neo-Blairite, will lead to
anything but disaster in 2020?
It`s no good excusing Labour MPs` behaviour
by quoting Corbyn`s "record of rebellion", when their disloyalty threatens the
very future of the party. Is Corbyn wrong in saying that our recent record of
intervention in the Middle East, not to mention our historical one, has
"increased the threat to the UK"? Isn`t his anti-austerity stance being proved
correct by the obvious failure of the Tories` "long-term economic plan", and
Britain now owing the equivalent of 80.5% of a year`s GDP, compared with 69%
when Osborne first became chancellor? Isn`t the government`s claim to be
representing the working people, when their action and legislation suggest the
exact opposite, more worthy of Labour MPs` criticism amd concern?
With the government gifting the
opposition such wonderful propaganda-fodder, it`s obvious what Labour`s
priorities should be.
Monday, 23 November 2015
Morning Star letters on HMRC, and Osborne`s excuses
Friday`s feature on
the so-called "modernisation" of HMRC, and the creation of
more "efficiency" by the decision to "close 137 tax offices and
to concentrate their functions on 13 new regional centres", was right to
stress how this can only be good news for the tax avoiders and evaders (Morning
Star,13/11/15). What makes the news even more disappointing is that HMRC`s
chief executive, Lin Homer, and her associates, were given such an easy
ride by parliament`s public accounts committee when they were interrogated this
week. Admittedly, there was a gentle ticking off for the lamentable customer
service and phone calls not being answered, but what about, not only the
committee`s report which had already criticised HMRC for its
"woefully inadequate number of prosecutions for offshore tax
evasion", but also the subsequent excuse, for the eleven prosecutions
for offshore tax evasion in the last five years, that exorbitant court
costs prohibited more cases?
The committee was fobbed off
with dubious and unfounded claims that the amount of uncollected tax in Britain is
"no worse than in many other countries", stating the tax gap to be
£34bn. This, of course, does not take into account tax evasion, only avoidance. HMRC has done
next to nothing about tax havens where trillions are squirrelled away, rather
than paid to the Treasury; the British Overseas Territories, according to War
on Want, together "rank as the most significant tax haven in the
world", ahead of even Switzerland. The reality is that there is no income
tax, corporation tax, sales tax, wealth tax or any other direct tax in the
Cayman Islands, the British Virgin Islands account for 40% of the world`s
offshore companies, and Bermuda remains Google`s favourite tax haven. Setting
an example by taking some individuals to court, and letting them face the
consequences, and long jail sentences, even if the costs amounted to
hundreds of millions, would be more than worth it, as a deterrent to all evaders!
Government policy, far from publicly
condemning all non-payment of tax as "morally repugnant", now appears
to have U-turned. Cameron`s worldwide endorsement of Greene King, whose battle
to justify a tax avoidance scheme bought from Ernst and Young for 10% of
all the tax saved, suffered two defeats in the lower tax courts,
and widespread condemnation from MPs, including from the then chair
of the public accounts committee Margaret Hodge, suggests the
idea of any businesses "smelling the coffee" no longer suits
this government. Well, we are over four years away from an election!
Matt Willgress was right to support Ken Livingstone`s view that the Tories` "chaos over tax credits did not happen by accident" (Morning Star,06/11/15).With over 1200 staff employed at the Treasury, including, according to the Independent, eight special advisers costing the taxpayer over £500,000 a year, it is hard to believe that someone didn`t carry out an "impact assessment". Next they`ll be telling us they didn`t know, not only about the steel industry being under threat because of unfair Chinese competition, but that quantitative easing works elsewhere in the world to stimulate economies, so long as banks are not the direct recipients. I don`t suppose the Tories will acknowledge, either, that the Northern Powerhouse is just a wheeze drummed up just before what was thought was an unwinnable election, and which can`t possibly work anyway, when councils are having their government grants decimated, or that tax avoidance measures are also suffering the consequences of sacking thousands of staff at HMRC! There is so much evidence proving that the chancellor knows exactly what he is doing, that any suggestion otherwise beggars belief. Attacking the poorest and most vulnerable appears to be his default mode; he clearly he has no Plan B.
Whilst it is not remotely surprising that our beleaguered chancellor took
advantage of a meeting with Tory backbenchers on the 1922 committee, and
appealed to them for ideas on how the tax credit proposals could be revised, it
does come as a shock to see Osborne not making the most of it. Why didn`t he
ask for their ideas on stopping the downward turn our economy is taking, with
growth at 0.5% and set, according to the chief economist at the finacial data
firm, Markit, Chris Williamson, to slow to 0.3% by the end of
the year? Bullingdon boy`s only solution is to enrich his friends in the City! Shouldn`t Osborne also have sought
advice on HS2, and how to prevent projected costs going over £50bn?
What needs to happen now is
for Labour`s propaganda team to start shouting Osborne`s failures from the
rooftops, starting with his lamentable industrial policy, which has led to
steel`s collapse, economic growth stalling, and privatised railways having
"clapped-out and overcrowded trains"(Morning
Star,30/10/154). Cameron will be too concerned about his own reputation to
allow his friendship with Osborne preventing him from sacking him; he is a Tory
after all!
Sunday, 22 November 2015
"Real" Osborne stood up years ago
At least Tory MPs like Stephen McPartland have dropped the ridiculous idea they were propagating a few weeks ago that Osborne`s mishandling of the tax credits` issue happened because he was ignorant of the massive hardship the cuts would cause, due to a so-called "technical mistake" (I`m speaking up for low-income families:that`s why I`ve become a Tory rebel over tax credits,15/11/15). With over 1200 staff employed at the Treasury, including apparently eight special advisers costing the taxpayer over £500,000 a year, it is hard to believe that someone didn`t carry out an "impact assessment". Of course Osborne knew, so if, as your political editor, Toby Helm, suggests, the country still can`t decide whether the chancellor is a "master strategist" or "political blunderer", it must be almost entirely due to the way his cruel policies are depicted by the press (Master strategist of political blunderer? Friend of the strivers or enemy of the working people? Will the real George Osborne please stand up, 15/11/15).
Even the reliable William Keegan, whilst listing the "Big Lies", perpetrated by the chancellor, about Labour`s spending causing the banking crisis, the UK`s economic problems having been "comparable to those of Greece", much of the welfare budget going to the "unemployed and feckless" rather than 1.5%, and budget deficit rather than cuts being "a threat to national security", omitted two of Osborne`s whoppers. He and Cameron may spout for all they`re worth about tax avoidance being "morally repugnant" and firms like Google needing to "smell the coffee", but the lack of effectual legislation and prosecutions, and continued job cuts at HMRC, tell a different story. Same applies to the pre-election wheeze that is the "northern powerhouse", which is destined to remain a non-starter as long as government grants to local councils in the north continue to be decimated.
The penny should have dropped by now, Mr Helm: the "real George Osborne" stood up years ago!
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Lansley`s jobs
The report about former health minister, Andrew
Lansley, taking on "three jobs in the private sector" not only speaks volumes
about the limited role played by principles in decisions made by our current
crop of Tory politicians, but also about the need for reform of rules governing
such appointments ( Morning Star,17/11/15). The fact that Lansley is now being
paid to advise the drug company, Roche, which maximises its profits from the
cancer drugs fund which Lansley himself set up, beggars belief, as does the
pharmaceuticals company`s attempts to justify charging £90,000 for a drug to
treat one breast cancer patient for a year. Reducing the cost to £60,000 just to
enable it to be bought by the fund really does suggest gross
The Advisory Committee on Business Appointments
has approved all of his new posts, but insisted Lansley is not allowed to draw
on privileged information available to him when in government".There can be very
few who do not think that Roche appointed him simply because of what he knows
from his time as health secretary, and because he has been key in increasing the
"role of the private sector in the NHS"!
Clearly, an obvious need exists for a rule change,
at least preventing ex-ministers from taking on related roles, until a minimum
of five years has elapsed since being in government.
Wednesday, 11 November 2015
CBI`s scaremongering a disgrace
The scaremongering about the effects of the
government`s "national living wage" by the CBI beggars belief (CBI: Osborne`s
living wage is threat to jobs,03/11/15). The outgoing director-general, John
Cridland, claims to "have sought to rebuild the reputation of business", but the
reality is that the CBI has done nothing to curb either the excessive tax
avoidance by its company members, or the greed of the businesses` CEOs. Even
though its profits had risen 14% in a half-year, Whitbread recently claimed
increasing wages would lead to price rises for its customers.(Whitbread living
wage warning raises fear of price rises and job cuts,08/09/15)? As Nils Pratley
informed us then, the pay increase "works out at just 0.95% of Whitbread group
operating costs", though no similar percentage was offered for the CEO`s pay
package, which "soared by 85% to almost £6.4m" last year (Whitbread chief`s pay
package soars by 85% to almost £6.4m,09/05/14). The new CEO of Barclays may well
claim to want to "transform" the banking culture like his predecessor did, but
what sort of example is set to his employees when the boss pockets over £10m a
year, including a "role-based allowance" to side-step the EU rules on
bonuses(New boss at Barclays promises "trust and integrity" as overhaul
Funny how the CBI prefers to describe Britain`s
education sytem as "a drag-anchor on the economy", when our current pay
structures fail to benefit the economy at all, because wealth is being
stock-piled by the rich, whilst the low-paid`s spare spending capacity is almost
Changing the banking culture
Paddy McGuffin`s column rightly praised Corbyn`s
tactics at PMQs, which challenges the PM`s "routine of hiding behind empty
words" (Morning star,31/10/15).But Cameron is far from being alone!
I notice that the new CEO at Barclays, Jes
Staley, has done his homework, informing his employees that the bank must
complete both the "cultural transformation of the group", and the "necessary
transformation". He clearly knows that his predecessor, Antony Jenkins, on
getting the job in February, 2013, in the wake of the Libor-fixing crisis,
said in a press conference, "We get it, we are
changing the way we do business". He then added that the bank would put ethics
above earnings, and unveiled his grand plan, "Project Transform"; this was a
management jargon acronym, standing for Turnaround, Return Acceptable Numbers
and Sustain Forward Momentum, all designed to restore Barclays` reputation.
Unsurprisingly, it failed to prevent the next scandal, the manipulation of the
currency markets with a colossal £3trillion a day of turnover.
With the greed of the bankers clearly the root cause behind the need for
"a cultural overhaul", does Staley really expect his message to get across when
his employees read details of their boss`s £10m pay package? Is the obvious lack
of ethics in the banking culture likely to change, when the example is set by
the CEO? Staley`s obscenely high pay includes something called "a role-based
allowance", a device to side-step EU rules on capping bonuses!
If the CEOs of banks really wanted to reform
their "culture", they could start by doing the following:
Ensure all investment bankers do annual
work-experience, shadowing for a week a nurse, carer, or state school teacher,
to witness at first hand, how compassionate, considerate and patient "best
people" really are, despite their long hours, working for rewards bankers and
their ilk would describe as "chickenfeed".
Review their recruitment policy. It is obvious
that the schools and universities from where the current batch of bankers come,
are not producing the graduates with the "character" and attributes necessary to
end both the fleecing of customers, and the production-line of banking
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
New Statesman letter on Osborne`s mistake
Disingenuous as ever, Tory
MPs are now, according to George Eaton, making excuses for George Osborne`s
mishandling of the tax credits` issue, by claiming he was ignorant of the
massive hardship the cuts would cause for "relatively impoverished
people", because of "a technical mistake" (Politics: How the tax credit
climbdown humbled a chancellor thought to be at the height of his powers,30
October). With over 1200 staff employed at the Treasury, including, according to
the Independent at the weekend, eight special advisers costing the taxpayer over
£500,000 a year, it is hard to believe that someone didn`t carry out an "impact
assessment". Next they`ll be telling us they didn`t know, not only about the
steel industry being under threat because of unfair Chinese
competition, but that quantitative easing works elsewhere in the world to
stimulate economies, so long as banks are not the direct recipients. I don`t
suppose the Tories will acknowledge, either, that the Northern Powerhouse
is just a wheeze drummed up just before what was thought was an unwinnable
election, and which can`t possibly work anyway, when councils are having their
government grants decimated, or that tax avoidance measures are also suffering
the consequences of a "technical mistake", that of sacking thousands of staff at
Tories are very
keen to repeat the party`s propaganda about having a "long term economic plan",
but less enthusiastic about mentioning its results, with economic growth
destined to be as low as 0.3% in the next quarter; they must know that such
downward trends are inevitable, when the bases of government policy is for the
already prosperous to accumulate even greater wealth, and the spending
capability of the working people to be reduced. They certainly have "got too far
down the pipe", as Tory MP Stephen McPartland so eloquently put it; sadly, with
their policies, the "pipe" in question has to be a sewer!
Sunday, 1 November 2015
Historian Ferguson a disgrace
An authorised biography of the Machiavellian,
Kissinger, by a historian who infamously sees British imperialism, despite its
greed for wealth, land and labour, its use of weapons, massacres, concentration
camps and torture, as a force for good, who supported the Republican candidates,
McCain and Romney against Obama in the 2008 and 2012 elections, and whose advice
on the history curriculum for schools to then Education Secretary Gove was
criticised so much by British historians and teachers, should not attract
favourable reviews, and Greg Grandin duly obliged (Kissinger 1923-1968:The
Idealist by Niall Ferguson,17/10/15).
A defence of Kissinger`s "war crimes",
based on the premise that other policymakers "can just as easily be accused",
smacks of disingenuity of the highest order, whilst the absurdity of claiming
that responsibility for atrocities and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of
people should not influence "how we assess his legacy" beggars belief. Somehow,
loss of life in so-called "strategically marginal countries" didn`t matter as
long as the cold war was won, a point which is not only abhorrent in its
substance, but the epitome of selective use of evidence, as it conveniently
ignores the fact that the bombing of Laos and Cambodia did not prevent America`s
defeat in Vietnam.
The public have been badly served by historians
like Ferguson, who misuse historical evidence, for too long, and hopefully,
sales figures of this example of biased history will indicate that the penny has
finally dropped.
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