Well said, Angela Rayner! Selective education does
indeed belong in the dustbin of History", especially as the so-called "golden
age of grammar schools" is a myth perpetuated by the Tory propaganda machine
(Morning Star, 08/08/16). It is, moreover, a myth which needs urgent de-bunking,
alongside the one which is currently being fed to us about Theresa May`s caring
and compassionate Conservatism, aimed at decreasing inequality. No-one who cares
about giving everyone a fair and equal chance in society can possibly support
grammar schools, let alone consider increasing their number.
Of course, many working class students
achieved success in grammar schools, but that does not mean social mobility
increases under a selective system. In a comprehensive school, these working
class pupils would have succeeded just as well, whilst none of their peers would
have been written off, and sent to secondary moderns, or their equivalent, where
they would have been deemed no-hopers. No-one who experienced the 11 plus
examination will forget the divisiveness of the procedure, and the
disillusionment and unhappiness of friends who "failed". To even talk of 11
year-olds "failing" is disgusting.
Not that all of those who passed the
selection process were on the path to success. In most grammar schools, yet more
selection, again based on the results of the same examination, ensured that only
about thirty pupils, the ones in the A-stream, received anything like a
reasonable education. The ones destined for B and C streams were given a
"different" curriculum, including woodwork and cookery, presumably more suited
to their abilities! Results in grammar schools were never as good as they should
have been, simply because over half the students were never expected, or
encouraged, to pass examinations.
I read recently of some young people turning
to Ukip, because of that party`s preference for grammar schools; they cannot
possibly know how appalling most grammar schools were, especially when compared
to today`s comprehensive schools, the real "centres of excellence" in our
society. There, because they were created in the knowledge that students`
abilities and potential continue to develop long after the age of 11, all pupils
get the opportunity to demonstrate their talents.
Wasn`t it the success of comprehensive schools,
in enabling all pupils to prove their worth, which caused Michael Gove, back in
2010, to end coursework and resits, not to mention the maintenance grant for
potential 6th formers, and to place more reliance on punctuation, memory tests
and end of course examinations? Will May turn the clock back? Yes, but not to
2009; she`s going back to the 1950s and 60s!
Discipline in boys` schools was based on
corporal punishment, by means of striking of a cane on to the unfortunate boy`s
backside; I well remember still having ridges and bruises days afterwards.
Teaching lacked invention, encouragement, variety
and even decent preparation, and this was in the grammar schools. Imagine how
much worse it would have been for the 80% of pupils in the secondary
Don`t believe the Tory nonsense about grammar
schools and social mobility; don`t be persuaded that there is even a reason to
debate May`s proposal. It has to be rejected, totally!