Saturday 23 June 2018

Labour can win, but electoral tactics need upgrade!

Should we welcome the fact that "politicians and sympathetic left-leaning think tanks are looking at" Labour`s electoral problem (Politics: The Tories think that Corbyn can`t win in the British "rust-belt" - but their belief rests on shaky foundations, 15th June, 2018)? After all, their 2015 "solutions" included a pink bus for female MPs and the "Ed Stone"! Stephen Bush clearly agrees with the so-called Corbyn-sceptic Labour MPs who place the blame for the disappointing "position in the polls" on the party leader, but some might see their divisive lack of support for what obviously could become election-winning policies more culpable.
     Support in "small cities and towns, and anywhere voters with degrees are thin on the ground" will not be won by Labour rallies or pamphlets on a rebalancing of the economy, but it could certainly be increased by sensible use of television broadcasts and social media. Anticipating objections from the right-wing press and media to Labour policies, and countering them early, have to be priorities. Tax policies will be popular but only if explained properly, and using actors in roles of characters of varying wealth to explain how Labour`s proposals will only affect the very well-off could prove successful.
Comparing the reactions to Labour policies of a shop assistant with a City broker might not be rocket science, but it beats engravings in stone, and being "intensely relaxed about people getting filthy rich"!

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