Friday 21 June 2019

All candidates should have "done a Boris"!

It is hard to disagree with Simon Kelner`s view of the Tory leadership TV debates as "a cast of characters arguing the toss" (Tory TV debates are a waste of prime time television, 20/06/19). The trouble is the "toss" is about whether the government gives more money to the rich or to cash-starved health, education and welfare departments, whether we go to war against Iran in the vain hope it will help us gain a trade deal with the US, and whether the policies leading to increasing homelessness and use of food banks continue.
     A more enlightening TV programme would be aired if all those remaining in the contest  "did a Boris", and failed to turn up. Emily Maitlis, faced with the empty lecterns, could put the viewers` questions, and then answer on each candidate`s behalf, using evidence which is actually reliable.
    We would then find out that Johnson`s words do have  massive consequences, and that his apparent "One Nation" Conservatism is mythical. Similarly, the others would be revealed as having voted diligently for not only all the cruel austerity measures of recent years which hit the least fortunate the most, but also for the budgets which benefitted the wealthy. At the very least, viewers would be spared the nonsense about their plans to "help primarily the poorest people in society"!

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