With the creation of a "super-union", following the
merger of the National Union of Teachers and the Association of Teachers and
Lecturers, and the obvious attacks being made on state education by the Tory
government, there could not be a more appropriate time for teacher
representation to be strengthened further (Teachers` groups merge to form
super-union,23/03/17). The newly created National Education Union, with "more
than 450,000 members", would be far more of a "game-changer" if it also included
the 320,000 teachers in the NASUWT union. Howard Stevenson is right to say that
"governments deliberately seek to exploit divisions". Many times in the duration
of my career, industrial action by one of the main unions was undermined by the
non-action of the other, with the government subsequently able to claim that,
as only a small proportion of teachers were involved, the issue was clearly of
little consequence, and undeserving of its
McInenerney predicted earlier this week that schools could be soon "stripped
back to basic entitlements", with increases in tutoring and parent contributions
soon to be the norm (The Tory dream: no frills unless you pay, 21/03/17). A
united front is needed to change current government thinking, improve teacher
recruitment, and campaign for better pay and conditions. This merger has shown
how unions can work with joint-leadership and shared values, but with the
exclusion of a major teaching union, the "divide and rule" policy will still be
available to governments. In times like this, when state education faces an
existential threat, teachers need their leaders to speak "with one voice". Talks
about further amalgamation should begin
Alas, Miles Secker is way off the mark (Letters, 28/03/17). All too often
headteachers are appointed without having been "thoroughly tested over years as
classroom teachers, department heads, then assistant and deputy heads". In fact,
in my experience, far too many candidates with exactly that background have been
overlooked, whilst the ones willing to support the latest educational fad, to
make unnecessary changes, or to use meaningless jargon in the interview, were
appointed. Within days, staff and pupils knew the wrong person had got the job,
with the inevitable result that the school entered a period of decline.
If heads could all draw "on a deep fund of thought and experience",
education today would be in a far better place!