Despite admitting that "nearly two-thirds of voters
below the age of 40" voted Labour, Felix Martin is strangely "sceptical" that
any party is "anywhere close to an agenda" that can satisfy the concerns of the
young (The young and the left, 30th June, 2017). He even says that discovering
what young people want from their representatives "requires a bit of educated
guesswork", when he actually provides ample evidence himself in later
paragraphs. It is quite obvious that Labour`s proposals to increase taxation on
corporations and the "richest 5 per cent" appealed more than the Tories` wealth
tax on grounds of fairness, as the rich are rightly perceived as avoiding paying
their fair share for far too long.
That the "current
alignment to the left" will dominate UK politics for the next twenty years is
hardly the "worrying development" which Martin makes it out to be. The party
which fails to have "fairness" at its policies` core will flounder; the one
which promises selection at the age of eleven, and grammar schools, rather than
the level playing field of equality of opportunity, will lose out, as will one
which ignores the increasing gaps between the rungs in the social
mobility ladder. Top jobs cannot be the preserve of the privately educated;
unpaid internships cannot be allowed any longer. Obscene pay levels at the top,
the provision of affordable housing and the ridiculous burden of student loans
have been ignored by all parties for too long. The unfairness of Tory austerity
policies, and the obvious failure to act on May`s rhetoric have not gone
Labour has most
definitely "devised a solution" to "intergenerational inequality", and the right
ignore it at their peril!
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