Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Independent: letter on history`s manipulation

Hasnet Lais`s excellent article on the way the national curriculum prevents history teachers from teaching "the brutal legacy of empire" provides yet another piece of evidence to illustrate the way British history is still being manipulated (As a history teacher, I`m horrified by the whitewashing of my curriculum, 30/10/17). It was bad enough when Michael Gove was insisting on factual history taking precedence over analysis and evaluation, but when the facts to be taught are prescriptive, and when essential events are omitted, the history learned is bound to be inaccurate and misleading.
   This is not a new phenomenon, and the Brexit vote was, in part, the result of a distorted view of our history, seemingly desirous of our so-called "glorious past", when wars were won by "Britain alone", when empires were gained to "civilise", when atrocities were only committed by enemies or "barbarians", and when the economy boomed without the need for European co-operation or labour.
    Of course history involves, as Lais reminded us, a "dispassionate and authentic inquiry into the past", but unlike other countries like Germany which insist on facing up to their past and refusing to mislead students with "colonial amnesia", however uncomfortable, Britain does the opposite. Court cases such as those on behalf of 44,000 Kenyans claiming compensation for the brutal tactics employed by the British crushing the Mau Mau rebellion in the 1950s, get scant coverage in the press; had any other country used beatings, torture, rape, forced labour, castration and roasting alive as methods to suppress popular uprisings, it would be headline news.
      In fact, the thirty year rule has been ignored so often by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, that there now exists an archive containing 1.2 million files, going back to the end of the Crimean War, hidden from the prying eyes of historians, and, of course, from barristers aiming to get justice for their clients. 
   Two things are essential: first, the release of the "secret" files, and second, an admission that our history has been manipulated for years, and that a re-write is required.


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