It is difficult to disagree with Melissa Benn`s opinion that the "progressive left" needs to "kickstart an honest public debate" about how this country might develop a "better, fairer model" of education (Our schools are broken. Only radical action will fix them, 08/08/18). Ending the "stubborn silence" that exists on the relationship "between selective and private schools and the often beleaguered state system" is essential, but there also needs to be discussion on the very close connections between the independent sector and our state-funded universities. Should the latter, for instance, accept Pre-U examinations as valid entry qualifications when these exams are set and marked mostly by teachers in private schools, and have far higher percentages of A*/A grades than A-levels, the exams taken by the vast majority of state school pupils?
A "common" and fair system is impossible as long as the playing field`s unevenness is allowed to increase by a government intent on maximising only the potential of the few.

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