Monday, 29 April 2019

Trump`s visit a disgrace!

Forgive me for being childish, but I take grave exception to my prime minister inviting Trump to this country for a state visit (To rage against Trump`s visit is simply childish, 27/04/19). Simon Jenkins may think the awful precedents, like the visits of Ceausescu and Mugabe, justify a similar one by the American president, but all they achieved was to cause embarrassment to Britain, and strengthen those leaders` justification for dictatorship.
    Jenkins can see "no reason for childish protests against a guest invited in Britain`s name", so presumably he doesn`t mind his country being taken down yet another few notches in the opinions of every decent human being on the planet. Rather than taking a stand against climate-change deniers, misogynists, and peace-threatening world leaders, like any modern liberal state, Britain`s prime minister, so devoid of any trade policy of any note, apart of course from selling arms to the Saudis so that the destruction of Yemen can continue, and so desperate for trading allies, chooses yet again to suck-up to the White House.
 Good on Corbyn, Bercow and Cable for refusing to attend the dinner with Trump. Any Tories with an ounce of integrity should do the same! It is not the protests which will "feed the prejudices" of Trump`s supporters but the sight again of the British government "kowtowing to this US administration" (Trump visit: Corbyn refuses dinner, 27/04/19).

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