Friday, 18 October 2019

Labour MPs must vote against Johnson

The key point about the Brexit deal being hatched by Johnson is that it has first and foremost to meet the needs of most of the ERG (British workers will pay the price if Johnson is allowed to do this deal, 17/10/19). As your editorial pointed out, for that group of right wing Tories, the "very purpose of Brexit is liberation from a regulatory yoke", meaning labour rights, food and environmental standards and even financial regulations, feeble as they are, designed to control the worst excesses of capitalism, will all stand little chance of survival in a post-Brexit country controlled by Johnson.
     This is the task Labour faces, that regardless of what many voters think about freedom of movement and Brussels interference, leave supporters have to be persuaded that Johnson`s Brexit is nowhere near the one they voted for in 2016. It has to be opposed, as Owen Jones states, by all Labour MPs (Labour MPs who vote for a Tory deal must lose the whip, 17/10/19). Failure to do so means that they are indeed betraying "the most basic reasons their party exists". All anti-Corbyn bias, the  reason for so many of the divisions within Labour ranks, has to be forgotten, and all Labour MPs must unite against this duplicitous prime minister, or resign. Johnson`s oft-repeated claims that he leads a "one nation" Conservative party must not be allowed, as Cummings intends, to even begin to enter the social consciousness. Every Labour MP has a duty not only to denounce the notion at every opportunity, but to reject any deal supported by the majority of the ERG!

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