Tuesday 5 May 2020

Fiddling figures loses trust!

How ridiculous of the government to allow critics to accuse it of artificially inflating the number of coronavirus tests, and Labour to say that "the goalposts were moved" in order for Hancock`s 100,000 test target to be reached (Star, 01/05/20)! Instead of counting tests before they were carried out, it would have been far more sensible to come out with the real figure, and stress how setting such an "audacious goal" was the only way to achieve rapid increase. 
    At a time both when public  trust in the government`s advice is needed perhaps more than ever in the country`s history, and when Labour is avoiding kneejerk and over-harsh criticism of the government, unnecessarily deceiving the public in this way simply undermines confidence, both in politicians and the advisers seemingly willing to play their part in the duplicity.
  A gradual lifting of the lockdown can only be successfully achieved if the government is truthful about  safety, and if the public, and most importantly the workers who may be putting their lives on the line, are willing to believe what is said. Risking that in order to avoid embarrassing a minister is reprehensible. Trust is one of any government`s key assets, but arrogant Tory administrations endanger it by treating the people, once again, like mugs!

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