Thursday, 10 December 2020

Eurosceptic mythology still around!

Rafael Behr`s point about "Eurosceptic mythology", and how Brexit would provide the "freedom to do things that Brussels had never stopped Britain from doing", is a valid and relevant one (In truth, there was only ever one road out of the EU, 09/12/20). An excellent example was given by the then chief secretary to the Treasury, days before becoming chancellor in February, earlier this year; Sunak claimed that as free ports are not allowed in the EU, Brexit enabled the UK "to unleash this potential in our ports". Unfortunately for him, on the same day the European Commission announced that the EU`s free ports, all 82 of them, were "aiding the financing of terrorism, money-laundering and crime" (EU cracks down on free ports for role in corruption and crime, 11/02/20)! It seems that since January 10th, authorities across the EU have been urged to take extra measures to identify suspicious activities at the ports as a result of the "high incidence of corruption, tax evasion and criminal activity"! Even in this week`s PMQs, Johnson was still alluding to Britain`s Brexit-enabled ability in 2021 to establish free ports! Presumably the British people are expected to believe that if these free ports are set up in the UK, standards on security, safety, workers` rights and the environment will not be compromised. Johnson`s government, like its predecessors since 2010, treat the UK`s citizens as mugs, and indeed, most recently as its reduction of overseas aid indicates, raving Faragists, How ironic that at a time when the prime minister has, as Behr says, "borrowed heavily against Britain`s reputation" for being "level-headed", and "reliable", he is incapable of being either!

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