Sunday 20 January 2019

May`s "cunning plan"

The "decisive rejection" by MPs of May`s withdrawal agreement does appear to make it impossible, as your editorial says, for the motion to be brought back to the Commons, even "with a few tweaks from Brussels", and "hope for success a second time around" (May`s Brexit deal did not survive contact with the Commons. What will? 16/01/19). A cunning plan, however, could seal the deal for the prime minister: before a second vote on her "tweaked" deal takes place, she should announce to a meeting of her MPs that if it fails again, she will announce a general election. Will the 118 Tory MPs who voted against her be so eager to betray her a second time, with the alternative being the challenge of defending nine years of needless austerity, underfunding health, caring and education, and cutting taxes for the rich? Even Baldrick would know the answer!

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