Tuesday 22 January 2019

Nonsense about logistical problems

It seems ludicrous that a second referendum could not be made an absolute priority, and that "the briefest feasible gap between deciding on such a vote and holding it" is 22 weeks (Perplexing logistics of a second referendum, 15/12/18). Why would the necessary legislation have to take eleven weeks, for goodness sakes? Even allowing 10 weeks for a campaign seems avoidable, given the amount of debate Brexit has engendered over recent months.
    Brexiteers will no doubt seize upon this alleged time factor as an excuse to avoid a second vote, just as they idiotically claim that such a vote is anti-democratic. How can giving the two million young people who have qualified for the franchise since 2016 a chance to decide on their future be against the principles of democracy? Then there is the fairness of giving all those who voted without being told the facts about the effects of a  Leave vote the opportunity to vote again. 
"Complex logistical challenges",  like the anti-democracy arguments,appear to be trumped-up excuses devised by Brexiteers to prevent the Leave decision being overturned, and should not deter Labour members from getting the leadership on board!

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