At first glance, the news that a rich businessman
is going to pour a few of his megabucks into the advertising campaigns for Ukip
in next year`s Euro-elections cannot be anything other than good for Labour.
More Tory voters, all anti EU and anti-immigration, will abscond, splitting the
right wing vote, and leaving ever-so-slightly-left Labour to benefit at the
polls, at the expense of a damaged Tory party. Similar events have happened before, so why not again?
It certainly is
a possibility, but not inevitable; in fact, there is an alternative conclusion
to such events, one which is more a "nightmare" than "dream" scenario for
What if this businessman is the first of many
willing to subsidise Farage? With too much cash to know what to do with it, and
too little sympathy with Romanians and Bulgarians being allowed to work here,
others of the ultra-rich fraternity could well be persuaded to follow suit, and
suddenly the country is awash with Ukip propaganda, with radio, television and
newspaper advertisements galore. Massive victories in the European elections
could be disastrous for Cameron, but the trouble is, as we have seen throughout
the last four years, his lack of principles allows him to make deals with just
about anyone, and the result could be a Tory-Ukip coalition facing Labour in the
2015 election.This would mean the Labour leaders would have only a few months to
prevent Britain being ruled for the next 5 years by a right-wing group, with
policies verging on fascist.
The right does not have the monopoly on
disillusioned workers, who feel jobs are being taken from them by EU migrants,
and the trouble is Labour is doing, and has done in recent months, so little to
win them over. Even more worrying, and this gives impetus to the "nightmare", is
that Labour has been so concerned with not upsetting the well-to-do in the
marginal constituencies, it has ignored its more traditional supporters.Clearly,
it is relying on the fear of another five years of Tory rule to persuade public
sector workers and trade unionists to vote Labour, but if Farage could encourage
most of the 20% or so who never usually vote to support him, Labour could be in
deep trouble.
The Labour leaders needs to ask themselves some
important questions; why, for instance, should teachers and everyone involved in
state education, vote for them? Where were they when the strikes and protests
took place? Why weren`t they joining in the rallies and making their anti-Gove
speeches, like the union leaders? Do they really think Gove is that more out of
touch with the reality of teaching today than privately-educated Tristram Hunt,
especially as their views on free schools and Performance Related Pay are so
But it`s not just teachers, and that`s the
problem. How many workers have had pay or pension problems with employers, and
received not one iota of support from Labour? Firefighters, Grangemouth, care
workers, all on zero-hour contracts, the list is long and seemingly growing, and
the unemployed have not even been mentioned yet. Of course, Labour has some MPs
who are brilliant, but they are few and far between; we only have to go back one
week to the Bedroom tax vote to see that.
If Labour policies were markedly different, there
might be a case for more optimism, but apart from the blip that is the energy
price freeze pledge, there is little to tempt the electorate that isn`t pretty
similar to other parties` promises. The truth is not-being-Tory is insufficient,
and Labour has failed to uphold the basic ideologival principles upon which the
party was founded. The only solution must be a radical approach towards taxation
and pay, with a change in society as the consequence, and a return to fairness
and equality of opportunity as the main objective. No-one believed Cameron when
he spoke from a golden throne about his desire to see an increase in social
mobility, but what are Labour`s policies on the issue?
Time is running out for Miliband, and the longer
he leaves it to adopt radical policies, the easier it could be for this
"nightmare" to become a reality.
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