Tanya Gold was right to remind us, in the week when
the disgraceful Iain Duncan Smith "slunked out" of Parliament when the debate on
food banks was going on, as if they had nothing to do with him, of the fact that
"fairness was the terrible lie" of this government.(The wrong kind of
poor,21/12/13) Still the duplicity of this government continues unabated, and
apparently knows no bounds. Whilst there are more working people classed as
living in poverty than unemployed, the coalition has the audacity to claim it
represents the interests of the "hard-working strivers". Presumably, outsourced
cleaners with three jobs, and carers making over 20 calls a day, need to
"strive" harder? The launching of a stealthy assault on low-earners in this
month`s Autumn Statement, with more reductions in universal credit is further
evidence that these are not so much austerity measures as downright
poverty-enforcement, and Lib Dem support for them should ensure no
liberal-minded person ever votes for Clegg and his cronies again. The right wing
media amuse themselves, as Gold says, by denouncing the actions of the likes of
Jack Monroe, whilst approving the government`s deceit; did they not support Osborne when he fought the case against capping
bankers` bonuses? .
Yet more duplicity comes with Cameron and Clegg
competing with each other to be the families` champion, whilst they
disgracefully rush through at the end of the parliamentary year a policy which,
on their own admission, will split up 17,800 families. Well done, Archbishop
Nichols, for raising concerns about these new immigration rules.Spouses being
refused entry, or being deported because their partner does not earn £18,600, is
wrong on so many moral and social accounts. It is imperative that a duplicitous
government, which uses deportation as an electoral tool, should be defeated as
soon as possible.
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