Recent news relating to renumeration and pay
suggest changes are urgently needed. Apparently, the low pay commission is to
meet later this year with a view to reviewing the minimum wage. Clearly this
review is long overdue; even right-wing coalition politicians like Osborne and
Clegg have been arguing for a rise in the minimum wage, admittedly with the
election in mind, but also because of popular necessity. The rise, when
announced, will undoubtedly be insufficient, as scaremongering about job losses
from the likes of the CBI will hold sway. The living wage will still be beyond
the reach of millions of workers.
The truth is that the low pay commission is
an anachronism, and what is needed instead is a Fair Pay Commission, which, as
the name suggests, can concern itself with the other pressing pay problem
currently bedevilling our society; if the country needs a commission to ensure
employers do not pay their workers pittance, it stands to reason it also needs
one to insist they do not pay themselves too much.With payments of over £1m
each to 239 senior executives at HSBC, and an extra £32k a week for the boss, it is clear a
maximum wage (or salary, which includes bonuses) has much in its
It would, no doubt, encourage some bankers
and their ilk to seek their obscene fortunes elsewhere, leaving room for banks
and financial institutions to employ decent individuals, not obsessed with
earning one hundred times or more the national average. The inequality gap would
be reduced, and the country could aspire to move up from 28th out of 34 in the
equality league table. By paying bosses at the top less, companies could afford
to ensure all their workers, directly or indirectly employed, received decent
pay, so raising the prestige of so-called less important jobs like cleaners and
labourers. Another important advantage of having a cap on top pay is that
businesses would save money, thereby encouraging more investment, as well as
reducing the need to pursue either tax avoidance scams or increased
"efficiency", which in today`s business jargon simply equates to thousands of
jobs being cut. Its introduction would also assist in the long term in the
education process, necessary if future societies are not to be dominated by
greed like ours.
The same commission could be given the
additional task of awarding the Fair Pay Mark to companies which met the
necessary criteria, giving the public more information before deciding where to
allocate their custom, in the same way the recently launched Fair Tax
Mark will do.
Banks and City institutions show no embarrassment when announcing
massive pay increases; on the contrary, they`re giving a two-fingered salute
aimed at everyone in the country. Labour has a moral duty to pledge the founding
of a new commission and a cap on high pay. Stuff the outrage of the Mail,
Telegraph and the City`s minions in the Tory party.
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