Your editorial rightly advises Miliband to
"articulate a much-needed different direction for society", and "take his
chance" in the election. (Osbornism holds sway. It needs a bold
response,23/03/14) By offering weak challenges to the coalition`s shrinking of
the state to 1948 levels, to its unnecessary education reforms, and to its
gradual destruction of the welfare state and privatisation of the NHS, Labour
has left itself open to criticism from those who claim there is little to choose
between the mainstream parties.
Is it really a "bold response" when all the
changes needed to transform society would meet with almost universal approval?
There cannot be many who think obscene pay and bonuses, soaring house prices,
tax avoidance and increasing inequality benefit the way we live. Fear of being
accused of being "too chummy with the brothers" should not deter the proposal to
give unions a greater say, especially as co-determination has worked so well in
Germany since the early 1950s. Western leaders intent on change in modern times
have all faced right-wing opposition, from political opponents and the media,
and anyway what is the alternative? Having to arrange a coalition with the Lib
Dems, and spend the next five years repealing laws which were only passed
because of support from the duplicitous Clegg and his cronies?
Policies can be radical without threatening
revolution, and have the benefit of attracting support from the young and
disenchanted. The TUC`s Fair Pay Fortnight could be followed by proposals
relating to a Fair Pay Commission, a Fair Pay Mark and corporate tax concessions
to eligible companies. Accepting the "austerity framework" should not mean
reform is impossible; passing legislation often necessitates a thick skin more
than bulging coffers. Just because the other parties drop principles
willy-nilly, does not mean Miliband`s Labour should follow suit!
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