Sunday, 25 October 2015

Tory MPs out of touch

Much has been written about Labour MPs being out-of-touch with their constituents in recent months, failing to realise the effects of the "cowardice of so much New Labour thinking", whilst the Tory MPs` myopia has been ignored (Doctors, teachers,the police:our public servants are demoralised,18/10/15). They have been so blinded by their surprise success at the polls in May, they have allowed Osborne, a chancellor obsessed with his own leadership ambitions, to lead them down a disastrous path (Tory MPs in 71 marginals at risk from cuts to tax credits,18/10/15). Will Hutton`s article only skimmed the surface of their other major problem; how many shortages in the public sector will there be by 2020? Can the Observer`s political writers still be so sure that the middle class voters, worried about their children`s health, education and security, will not turn to a Labour party promising a "fit-for-purpose functioning state"?
     Perhaps if the Observer stopped describing Cobyn as "hard left", and instead  viewed the popular re-nationalisation of railways and energy as part of a long-term economic strategy to reduce the massive £93bn annual corporate welfare bill, and stressed how the regulation of private landlords would benefit millions of tenants and aspiring home-owners, as well as the economy in general, Corbyn`s proposals might be seen in a more sensible light. Increasing the income tax rates for the very rich should be seen as essential for the maintenance of the basic elements of our welfare state; insisting on higher levels of corporate tax simply puts the country on a more equal footing with our competitors; offering more than silly "smell the coffee" soundbites, to make individuals and companies pay their fair share of tax, appeals to all but the avoiders themselves.
     As many top economists acknowledge, governments` support for trade unions can help reduce inequality, and improve productivity. Quantitative easing for banks to re-capitalise, to the tune of £375bn, was never seen, even though there was no kickstart given to the economy, as economic madness in 2009, so why should the press describe it  as such now, when the aim is to pay for essential infrastructure projects?  Does the middle ground not want to see increased social mobility? Is there general agreement that hedge funds in the City should be sold taxpayer-owned RBS shares for £1.1bn less than their value at any time, let alone at a time of austerity and belt-tightening? 
   As Will Hutton rightly concluded, "the prime minister and chancellor should beware", especially as the time is nearing when those suffering, because of Tory policies, will not only be Labour or non-voters!

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