Monday, 4 September 2017

Enough is enough!

As Stephen Bush says, May`s successor "faces an uphill battle to be anything other than a brief pause before Corbyn takes over" (Politics, 25th August, 2017). We have now reached a stage where all political correspondents, apart from those stuck rigidly  on the extreme right, have a duty to urge the need for an election, and political change. The nation`s security is now at risk. Not only do we have the ridiculous situation of our government callously selling arms to Saudi Arabia knowing full well that they will be used against disease and famine-ridden Yemen, but also, as Michael Axworthy tells us, the same government is aware that the Saudis` funding for Wahhabi extremism beyond its shores is connected to "terrorist acts committed in the UK" (Islam`s great schism, 25th August,2017). We need our government to stand up to the Saudis, and if the Tories refuse, we should be allowed to elect one which will.
    Security against food contamination is also something about which May`s government is becoming increasingly relaxed, and the next horsemeat-type scandal can only be weeks away; as a result of continuing austerity policies, local authorities lack the funds to carry out their duty to test foods sold in their area, and the Food Standards Agency has been ordered to "improve relationships" with the food suppliers!
 Enough is enough! It is up to the political writers in the media to lead the charge for change!

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