Sunday, 10 September 2017

Time to end this lame-duck government

The situation the country is now in is both ridiculous and frightening! We have a prime minister so divorced from reality she makes a statement claiming that there is a "great prize" awaiting us after Brexit, when the UK will become a "great global country" (Tory MPs in revolt as May threatens "soft" Brexiters, 03.09.17). Theresa May even thinks she will still be Tory leader in 2022!  Her party, as Andrew Rawnsley tells us, might be willing  to put up with a "lame-duck leader", because the alternative is a "bloodbath", followed by an election defeat, but the country cannot afford such selfish Tory mismanagement and the consequent "rudderless government"(How long will Mrs May survive? She`s the very last person to ask,03.09.17).
  Meanwhile, our uselessness in foreign affairs, personified by Johnson, results in arms being sold for use in Yemen, and offers nothing to ameliorate political and humanitarian catastrophes. At home, shortages of hospital beds, teachers, GPs and nurses, prison and police officers, firefighters, food and buildings` inspectors, HMRC staff and more, exacerbate problems caused by decreased funding for local authorities, and the many caused by government-enforced austerity policies and real-wage cuts.
   Not only MPs but all those with influence, from judges to lords, from archbishops to political commentators, should, in Anna Soubry`s words, see it as their duty, to "do what they believe is in the national interest", and speak out. Enough is enough, a general election is needed urgently. Political change at the top is essential.

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