Carrie Gracie is to be commended for her courageous decision to resign from her BBC post because of the corporation`s "secretive and illegal pay structure" (Top BBC journalist quits ,08/01/18). There can be little room for optimism, however, that such action will prompt the development of "a fair and transparent pay culture" when the BBC`s response is to claim that its "gender pay figures" show it is performing "considerably better" than a "significant number of organisations". Such a childish reaction reveals that the corporation has learned nothing from last summer`s "furore" over pay.
Gracie makes the important point that the BBC belongs to people, the "licence fee payer", and we neither expect presenters, whatever their so-called "star status", to be paid obscene amounts, nor for any disparity over gender pay to exist. A start to solving the problem can be made by drawing up new contracts for all BBC employees and managers, with a maximum set at £200,000. All those who refuse to sign should be required to justify their decision, live on air, with Ms Gracie conducting the interviews!

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