It is difficult to equate the editor`s desire for a "transformative plan for Britain" to be implemented (Leader,8th December 2017), with the inclusion of yet another interview with Blair (A second act for the great persuader, 8th December,2017).
The arrogant former PM might "still want to win us over", but he is not regarded in this country as a "pariah" for nothing. What Blair clearly does not understand is the importance of the roles he played, both in the Brexit vote, and in the rise of Corbynism. The Labour party, according to the Editors Note, is "in thrall to a movement, Momentum", but isn`t that far more preferable than being in cahoots with the City, warmongering American presidents, and Middle East dictators? Are we meant to forget Blair`s appearance in a propaganda video, praising the "progress" being made in Kazakhstan, but ignoring the shooting there of striking workers, and the killing of opposition parties` leaders? Persuading pro-Brexit Labour voters that "Brexit`s not the answer to their problems" is all the more difficult when, not only many of these "problems" were either ignored or exacerbated by Blair`s government, the people themselves were then deserted by politicians like Osborne and Blair jumping on the first gravy train on offer.
Blair is no longer, thankfully, "driving this age of upheaval". He obviously will be unhappy " to watch Corbyn" enter Number 10, but as the Labour leader promises "the most transformative government in a generation", hopefully the New Statesman will welcome it!

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