Thursday, 4 October 2018

The citizenship test!

Like Sajid Javid, I fail to see any point in a citizenship test which requires knowledge of Henry VIII`s wives, but what I would like to know is what exactly are the "British values" he and the rest of the Tory party think "bind our society together" (Javid to toughen citizenship test, 03/10/18). Judging by the last eight years of Tory rule, they would appear to be a belief in increasing inequality, encouraging tax avoidance, imposing austerity measures on the most unfortunate, allowing Rachman-like landlords free rein to exploit tenants, and decreasing the life chances of all but the richest.
 Everyone should understand "liberal and democratic values", but also that they are neither solely British, nor the ones being promoted by this most illiberal of governments!

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