Tuesday, 30 October 2018

In favour of a People`s Vote

Your editorial on Brexit stated that EU rules were responsible for the British people seeing "wages and pensions slashed", and "privatisation and poverty soar", but doesn`t the responsibility for all of these lie with right wing governments, both Tory and New Labour (Morning Star, 21/10/18)? I am as unhappy as the next person about the lack of "direct voter accountability for the key Council Of Ministers or the European Commission", but it is less likely to reform without Britain.
        It is extremely doubtful that May`s government negotiations will result  in "a Brexit in name only"; with preparations for chaos well under way, with the M20 being prepared for its new role as a lorry park, and many union leaders worried about the future of their members` jobs, the British economy is being readied for a hit which will have lasting effect for many years. No doubt financiers will be encouraged to stay with the promise of yet lower taxes for the rich, and less monitoring of tax avoidance!
  Just because some coaches for the march last week were paid for by the likes of the awful Mandelson and Heseltine does not mean the wishes of the marchers should be ridiculed - most of the Leave voters must realise by now that most of what the politicians told them pre-referendum was false, and that there isn`t a "glorious past" of Britain coping wonderfully on its own! Without workers from Europe will the NHS and caring industries be able to exist?
      Yes, the people`s vote in 2016 "must be respected", and it has been, with the result being absolutely nothing like the one 52% of those who participated in the referendum voted for. What if another Tory government results from the next election, austerity is continued, recession occurs and homelessness from evictions treble? We would all  demand another election immediately, to correct a very bad situation, but that would not mean democracy was being disrespected - quite the opposite! Democracy has to be used to benefit the people, to protect jobs, to retain work and food regulations and everything a Tory government cares so little about! Without free trade with Europe, goodness knows with which dictatorships Tory governments would end up doing business!

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