Monday, 5 November 2018

Hammond is not out of touch with education - it`s deliberate!

Labour`s Angela Raynor is right to criticise the chancellor for his failure to inject serious money into the underfunded state school system, but like Andrew Morris of the National Education Union, mistakenly puts the blame on  Hammond being "desperately out of touch" (Headteachers insulted by Hammond`s "nice gesture", 31/10/18).Tories know the situation very well; it was they who so underfunded schools that teachers would have to be either removed and not replaced, or so badly paid recruitment crises would ensue. Even using the contemptuous term, "little extras", reveals how deliberate is this government`s attempt to undermine state education.
   When headteachers are driven to protest, even Tories in their Whitehall bubbles get the message! The truth has to be that this government does not care about state education, otherwise it would take action to end schools having to close early, reduce staffing and cut subjects. A smirking chancellor making "nice gestures" is again taking us for mugs!

Geoff Barton of the Association of School and College Leaders is right to criticise the chancellor for his failure to inject serious money into the underfunded state school system, but surely the failure has little to do with Hammond`s "complete misunderstanding" (Schools to get £400m towards "little extras", 30/10/18)? Tories know the situation very well; it was they who so underfunded schools  that teachers would have to be either removed and not replaced, or so badly paid recruitment crises would ensue. Even using the contemptuous term, "little extras", reveals how deliberate is this government`s attempt to undermine state education.
   When headteachers are driven to protest, even Tories known for being out of touch and residing in Whitehall bubbles, notice, and know why; they understand perfectly!

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