Sadly, nothing even "fairly magical" happened when BBC radio decided to "talk to the general public" about Johnson becoming leader of the Tory party last August (Long Read: "Mind if we talk to you for a minute?" 03/12/19). When a very nice lady with a microphone approached us, my wife immediately said that surely she wasn`t going to ask us about Johnson, and carried on saying how we should all leave the country immediately. Then as the microphone moved towards me, panic set in. Had she given me five minutes I could have written two sides of A4 on the subject but with no time, I blurted out that the BBC certainly wouldn`t broadcast what I had to say, and called Johnson a "lying toe-rag", badly retold something Mark Steel had said about him being chosen by the viewers of "Antiques Roadshow", and finished about him being a "disgrace".
We didn`t think much more about it until a friend later told us she recognised our voices in the Radio 2 news! We listened to PM and they played it again, in its entirety, but with "toe-rag" sounding like "toad"! No problem with that, but to this day we cannot understand why the BBC would ask people in Liverpool, of all places, for their opinions on Johnson. What on earth did they expect? They must know why Johnson dare not set foot in the city!

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