Foreign Secretary William Hague boldly
said earlier this year, when the court case about British torture during the Mau
Mau insurgency was being held, that it was his intention "to release every part
of every paper of interest subject to legal exemptions". He was joking, of
course, Tory-style, like Cameron promising to make public the tax details of all
members of the coalition cabinet, after the May elections, without saying which
year. Geddit? The words "subject to", of course, were Hague`s "get-out clause",
as, guess what, the "legal exemptions" are secret! Heard the one about Royal
Mail being worth only £3.3 billion?
During the court case it emerged that many
documents relating to events at the time of the British empire had not been
released for scrutiny as they should have been under the terms of the 1958
Public Records Act. Strange that, especially as a statement from the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office (FCO) made another bold claim that a feature of our
democracy is that "we are willing to learn from our history"! This "history" is
Michael Gove territory, where facts are apparently all-important, Gradgrind
syle,as long as they don`t upset the establishment, those pillars of decency,
christianity and order.The case ended with compensation to the Mau Mau victims
of British torture, which included beatings, sexual assaults and roasting
Now it has been revealed that the FCO has
repeatedly failed to obey the thirty year rule, with the result that an archive
containing 1.2 million files going back in British history as far as the Treaty
of Paris, which ended the Crimean War in 1856, exists, but under lock and key,
unavailable to the prying eyes of historians, eager to discover trivia, like the
truth and facts.Why have governments allowed this to happen, and it`s not just
Tory ones to blame? What are they hiding? Suspicions are raised about British
mis-rule in the colonies, but other aspects of history, like the Cold War, are
included in the missing archives.Is it so important to protect reputations of
long gone governments and long dead politicians. Such, what Richard Drayton
calls the "manipulation of history" hides the fear that the truth will result in
the public losing respect for their rulers, and what Cameron calls "Britishness"
being weakened. In other words, people will lose respect for their "betters"
and realise that they are still being exploited and ripped off. The
establishment evidently think that a culture of secrecy will maintain the status
quo, and that means their wealth, power and dominance in our society will
continue unabated.
Drayton recently wrote in the
Guardian that "the practice of full release acts as a brake on the abuses of
power"; the fact that everything states and their
monarchies,aristocracies, civil servants, armed forces and politicians do will
be recorded and available for scrutiny, is essential in free and civilised
societies. If details of events are kept secret, abuses will continue, and
history will never be accurate. Our children will be brainwashed in the myths
perpetuated by ideologically-driven writers of history, and whilst that may
please politicians, especially when, as in 1914, they needed volunteers for a
needless war, or near election time, they attempt to out-do each other`s
nationalism and patriotism in embarrassing attempts to win votes,it is not what
the people of this, or any country, deserve.The purpose of a state supposedly
rooted in democracy is freedom for the people, not for those who are in
With next year`s World War One
commemorations, the countless television programmes ,media coverage,coffee-table
books and such like, we have to bear in mind those hidden documents; they are
not just about British mistreatment of Africans, but about wars, and the causes
of wars, about deaths and why so many innocents died.
And politicians still have the nerve to
talk about the need for transparency!!
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