Both the NASUWT and the ATL teaching unions did
well to dismiss the latest efforts of Clegg to cash in on the universal
unpopularity of Goveism , and the description of his ridiculous "Champions
League" proposal for headteachers as "eye-catching froth" is spot-on. (Morning
Star, 25/10/13) His desperation is becoming more obvious with every announcement
he makes.
However, there is a danger that politicians`
propaganda on education is beginning to have an effect, with an important and
worrying consequence; this country is in danger of becoming obsessed with the
belief that good results in our schools can only be achieved by the appointment
of what Nick Clegg calls "oustanding headteachers" and "ambitious deputies".
It`s accompanied by the other dubious idea that such people must get
"substantial pay rises", as we all know that teachers, like nurses and social
workers, only joined the profession for monetary reward, and will only make a
real effort for their pupils if the financial inducement is
Good leadership is, of course, essential in all
schools, especially as the head has overall responsibility for discipline, but
it is the work done in the classroom which determines academic improvement and
the examination results. Hunt`s recent support for Performance Related Pay was,
therefore, all the more disappointing as it revealed that Labour has started to
believe the Tory criticism of state education. When will politicians start to
understand that it is blatantly unfair to reward the head for a school`s
improvement, when he or she is already generously paid, two or three times more
at least, than the classroom teacher, and when the actual learning of the
"improved students" takes place under the auspices of many different people,
some not even teachers? Should an A-level teacher with ten A* pupils be rewarded
extra, when someone else was the reason for the students` determination to
succeed, another teacher of the same subject was the "inspiration" lower down
the school, or that the student`s real improvement in reading and understanding
resulted from work done in the primary school?
Channel 4`s "Educating Yorkshire" received
justified praise for its portrayal of the life-changing influence teachers have,
but it only concentrated on, presumably with viewing figures in mind, the more
difficult children, and ignored what also happens in comprehensive schools with
good GCSE results like Thornhill`s: showing children handing in homework,
writing essays in silent classrooms, analysing and challenging sources,
evaluating data, speaking a foreign language etc would have proved that such
things are not the preserve of private schools. It would also reveal, yet again,
how Gove`s policies are not based on factual evidence, and historian, Tristram
Hunt, should really know better than to support anything this
ideologically-driven Education Department proposes.
Miliband needs to "do a Clegg", over-ruling
his subordinates, and come out with an educational policy which is fair to both
teachers and students; after the last four years of , it`s the least they
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