Friday, 10 January 2014

Letter to Guardian re Lab/LibDem pact

Your editorial rightly praises two Lib Dems for proposing, albeit belatedly, a "motion on digital rights" to their party`s spring conference, but excuses to commend the party, generally, are clearly few and far between. (Digital drumbeat,10/01/14) This makes the news that Labour is contemplating a possible post-election pact with them all the more alarming; Steve Bell`s portrayal of Clegg as a used condom accurately sums up the present situation, and suggests Boris Johnson has more political awareness than Balls! 
   Have Miliband and Balls forgotten the role the Lib Dems have played in supporting the Tories in their quest to impose poverty on the majority of the people, and shrink the state back to levels last seen in 1948? Just because they suddenly have discovered sympathy for the low-paid, and are currently vying with  the Tories over minimum wage proposals, does not mean Labour should be seeing them as potential allies. Would not a Lab/Lib Dem coalition spend most of its time undoing the work of the previous government, repealing laws which only entered the Statute book because of Lib Dem votes? If that isn`t the focus of a future Labour government, there can be no reason for voting for them! How can they possibly forget Lib Dem duplicity, from student fees to their total acceptance of Tory propaganda, particularly the abuse poured on Labour for apparently causing the 2008 crash, a point made most vociferously by Clegg when stepping in for Cameron at PMQs recently?
    The truth appears to be that, with their policies showing more signs of a cautious,Disraelian approach than an aggressive one, with more than a hint of Attleeism, Labour leaders are again pandering to the middle ground. This does nothing to set them apart from the other parties, does nothing to divorce themselves from the influence of the City, and nothing to regain votes they have undoubtedly lost to Ukip.The increase in support Labour received after the energy price freeze announcement, which of course, the Lib Dems criticised, seems to have taught them nothing about the desire in the country for boldness; talk of a coalition with the Lib Dems, sixteen months away from the election, is sheer cowardice.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty much the same as I see it. SME's in food, engineering, design , build and health care need support to train and employ the Millions of young an old alike who are un/under employed.
    Personal debt and student loans are leading to a lame economy, unable to support children or the vulnerable, directly through income or indirectly through taxation and benefits. The reason the Lib-Dems are sat around the 9% mark vs 12% for UKIP in you Gov polls, is the number of people bothered enough to protest vote. There are plenty more who couldn't be bothered to vote as they feel no benefit.
    Since big business on a global scale can up and move to a lower cost base, small businesses and working people are always the victims of debt and poverty.
    The Lib Dems have waved through a raft of Neo Liberalism, US style Republican GOP policies along with some deeply questionable US/EU Trade agreements.
    Most Liberal voters are politically astute and will not forgive Liberal facilitates in such measures.
    That leaves the divided left...
    The working class have been forgotten by "New Labour" the Union membership has declined commensurate with decline in industry.
    This leaves a political vacuum which forgets those who were left abandoned by their government, their employer and the media.
    unable to re train or contribute.
    The UK & US Media has done a hatchet job on the working classes.
    We are clearly not all middle class. We have lost much of our government and local support.

    Lib Dems supported the Tory agenda of scorched earth, social Darwinism.
    I don't trust New Labour either, but at least they have MP's in areas with a more representative population.
    New Labour lost a chunk of the working class vote without gaining the Traditional Tory vote.
    Small businesses who employ local workers in creative industries are a good solution to the countries unemployment problems.
    But the brutal benefit cuts and reforms are forcing people into penury instead of non existent jobs.
    Another Lib Dem sanctioned brutality against the poor.
    Lets hope UKIP take enough bigoted tory voters and Labour realises it needs to be responsible for its past mistakes whilst representing the vast majority of people living week to week, month to month.
    Time for political evolution, not revolution or the Tory agenda which is retrospective ideology.
