Monday 11 April 2016

Anti-Morgan letter

The Education Secretary`s failure to "build a bridge with the teaching profession", as Chris Keates said, was hardly unexpected (Morning Star,28/03/16). The "business-like approach", which privately-educated, ex-corporate lawyer, Nicky Morgan, brings to education, is exactly the opposite of what schools need, if the current and very serious teacher recruitment problems are to be solved. How dare she state that teachers should "project a more positive image to aid recruitment", when Tory-dominated governments since 2010 have treated the profession with scant regard, ignoring their expertise and experience, whilst making changes to curricula and assessment, which have led to teachers having to work up to sixty hours a week, and having their pay frozen?
     Morgan`s arrogance, typical of this government, means she is prepared to ignore the wishes of parents, too, claiming in an interview with teh Guardian newspaper, to know that they do not have "strong feelings about changes to school governance", when the evidence of parents` petitions and protests against individual school`s academisation suggests the exact opposite. Disingenuity abounds when she denies parents the right to representation on schools` boards of governors, whilst admitting "they have lots and lots to say" about teaching and leadership.
      Schools` minister, Nick Gibb, was similarly confused, on the radio recently, about the reasons for academisation being made compulsory, when he said having one system was essential, apparently forgetting the existence of the private, state, religious and free sectors!
     Sadly, as with the country`s economy, education policy is being guided by politicians keen to show their leadership qualities, which, in Tory eyes, appear to include the ability to make so-called "tough" decisions, which contravene the wishes of the majority of the people. 


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